scala dei Turchi in Agrigento

Experiential tourism in Sicily. Visit Sicily

Don’t stop dreaming to travel and live experiences .
Because a dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality (J. Lennon)

By | 2020-03-13T12:14:46+01:00 March 13th, 2020|0 Comments

About the Author:

I’m Angela and I was born and bred some years in Novara ( Piemonte). Then my parents decided to get back to Sicily and I grew up on a small mountain village in the Madonie park : Polizzi Generosa . Nothing incredibly exciting happened there and for this reason I decided to move in an other city where I live happily: Cefalù . A beautiful medieval town, included in the World Heritage List in 2015 I was a smart girl in school and I loved to learn . I like music and books , animals , dance and most of all to know people and get in touch with the real soul of a place. I also love photography , gelato and writing . And naturally I like to travel and everything it’s in between.

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